Buffalo Civil War Roundtable

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2025 PROGRAMS – 

To the Civil War Community

We would like to announce that once again the BCWRT will be sponsoring Lincoln Day in Buffalo. The date is Sunday, Feb 16th. And, as has been for many years, our host is the historic Buffalo History Museum, located just off Elmwood Ave near Buff State, & across Hoyt Lake from the Albright Knox.

Though the ceremony is short, it is a very nice experience …. AND an opportunity to join our wonderful Civil War group. Our dues are quite reasonable, & we bring in speakers from near & far to give an enlightening talk on some aspect of the CW.

The Museum opens at 10am, with our program to commence at 11. It is also a great opportunity to explore the BHM for free, so come early! A speaker from the Museum will give a short talk on how Buffalo became the longest running celebration of our beloved 16th president’s birthday! There will also be a recital of the famed Gettysburg Address by …. The Man himself! Period music will be heard, & to cap it off, a fine 3-volley salute by uniformed Civil War re-enactors will take place on the portico


Hope to see you there!

Carl Modica



2025 Programs to be announced at a later date. As in the past, they will be held in April, May, June, September and October.
All programs begin at 6:30, except as noted. Location as listed. For additional information, call Carl Modica 716-992-3515


2637 Hemlock Rd, Eden NY 14057

   The Buffalo Civil War Round Table (BCWRT) is a group of like-minded people who have a love of history, especially the Civil War. The central focus of meetings is the history and battles of the Civil War. The RT was formed in 1958 to mark the centennial of America’s most costly human conflict that took up words of 650,000 American lives. People with any level of interest will enjoy our presentations!

   The RT has five meetings a year. We feature local and nationally renowned experts/historians. We sponsor Lincoln Day every February at the Buffalo History Museum. This annual event is the longest running celebration of our 16th president’s birthday in the entire nation!

   Membership includes an informative newsletter. The organization maintains a website, www.buffalocivilwar.com as well as a fb page.

   The RT is called the BCWRT Ben Maryniak Chapter in honor of local historian & past president, the late Ben Maryniak.

   The organization may be contacted by writing to the above address. New members are always welcome with dues an affordable $20 annually. Non-members are welcome as well, with a donation of 5 dollars.